With the collapse of the Assad regime, a key challenge for Syria’s transition government will be to create new governance structures and unify armed f...
Since the overthrow of the Ba’ath party regime in 2003, Iraq’s political landscape has been shaped by a volatile coalition of majority Shi’a elites. T...
Join us and King’s College London on 11 March 2025 to discuss Syrian rebels’ motivations, their commitment to the cause, rebel alliance unity, and how...
The rural population of Unity State has been suffering from pollution since the construction of a pipeline through Unity State in 1999, and the intens...
Of all the challenges currently facing post-war Syria, the integration of the country’s numerous and diverse armed factions into a single, disciplined...
The Houthis are strengthening their regional ties, notably with the Popular Mobilization Forces, who offer them political, economic, military, and geo...
Migrant smuggling and trafficking has flourished through Libya since its 2011 conflict. This article explains how this happened and why European polic...
Years of conflict and natural disasters in the Sudan-South Sudan borderlands have created a displaced population reliant on low-paid, risky work, and ...
Hear from the X-Border Women Research Fellows about what motivates their research project and how they overcome the challenges of doing research in fr...
During the past decade, northern Kenya’s peripheral border counties have become key to the central state’s political and economic agenda. Cross-border...