Regularly Irregular focuses on the Gaashamo corridor—a series of small border crossings between Ethiopia and Somaliland—to analyze the everyday govern...
Lasanod: City at the Margins examines the economic and political consequences of this ambiguous borderland status, which has led to new forms of reven...
Since 2003, frequent outbreaks of violence in Iraq have led to a heavily militarised local police force. In the post-ISIL period, there have been rene...
Joint bulletin from the X-Border Local Research Network about recent research and activities from The Asia Foundation, Rift Valley Institute, and Malc...
This research addresses the reasons behind the failure of Basra’s local government in providing services to its citizens and analyses the impact of th...
This report focuses on the borderland region between Sudan and Ethiopia, using gold-mining and trade to examine transnational flows of people and comm...
The Iraqi-Syrian border continues to be geopolitically restless. Kurdish parties have taken advantage of central government weaknesses to increase t...
In Baghdad, violence, property and consumption are inextricably linked. This has spawned social-spatial transformations benefitting the political-econ...
As Egypt and Ethiopia negotiate the details of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, tensions are on the rise. Sudan, which has vested interest in the ...
Protesters in the marginalized city of Tataouine have successfully forced the hand of Tunisia’s government, becoming an inspiration for other struggli...