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Conflict Dynamics

Conflicts in the Middle East, Africa and Asia intersect through flows of people, weapons and resources, creating intricate cross-border conflict systems. These knit the formal and informal, licit and illicit in ways that empower armed actors, enmesh conflict with crime and violent extremism, and ensnare local communities in the network of activities that sustain conflict. XCEPT research on conflict dynamics sheds light on these conflict systems, the transnational networks that sustain them, and how affected communities cope with protracted crisis.

Below you can find and download XCEPT research that helps shed light on these complex conflict dynamics.


12th November 2021
As an entrenched military elite tries to protect extensive economic and political interests despite no public support, parts of the old regime are rea...


20th October 2021
The Iran fuel shipment to Lebanon was significant not because of its size but because of what it signals about regional conflict.

Research report

2nd September 2021
Southeast Iraq has witnessed considerable protest violence in recent years. This research finds that altering these violent dynamics requires access t...


25th August 2021
Regime forces are staging a comeback in southern Syria, and this time Russia may be helping matters.


21st July 2021
When the Myanmar military reclaimed power in February after a decade of democratic government, it disrupted the delicate peace process with Myanmar’s ...

Research report

16th July 2021
This XCEPT research report examines the intersection of armed actors, gold mining and migration in the tri-border area of Chad, Libya and Sudan. The...


XCEPT Workshop: Local, People-Focused Policymaking

26th October 2022
Addressing securitization in conflict zones in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia

Research report

14th June 2021
Border markets on Yemen’s northwestern border with Saudi Arabia gave rise to a distinct economic system and bridged communities. Yet the war in Yeme...

Research report

21st April 2021
This report focuses on the borderland region between Sudan and Ethiopia, using gold-mining and trade to examine transnational flows of people and comm...

Research report

30th March 2021
The Iraqi-Syrian border continues to be geopolitically restless. Kurdish parties have taken advantage of central government weaknesses to increase t...

Working paper

18th February 2021
In Baghdad, violence, property and consumption are inextricably linked. This has spawned social-spatial transformations benefitting the political-econ...


11th February 2021
As Egypt and Ethiopia negotiate the details of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, tensions are on the rise. Sudan, which has vested interest in the ...

Research report

25th January 2021
By surveying the views of federal and local officials with direct experiences of the decentralisation process in Iraq, this paper seeks to understand ...


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