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Conflict Dynamics

Conflicts in the Middle East, Africa and Asia intersect through flows of people, weapons and resources, creating intricate cross-border conflict systems. These knit the formal and informal, licit and illicit in ways that empower armed actors, enmesh conflict with crime and violent extremism, and ensnare local communities in the network of activities that sustain conflict. XCEPT research on conflict dynamics sheds light on these conflict systems, the transnational networks that sustain them, and how affected communities cope with protracted crisis.

Below you can find and download XCEPT research that helps shed light on these complex conflict dynamics.


11th December 2024
The Minsk process, led by France and Germany, began in mid-2014 in response to Russian military aggression against Ukraine. In early 2015, it achieved...


11th December 2024
The Madrid Peace Conference of 1991 aimed to resolve the Arab–Israeli conflict. This paper examines the establishment of the Madrid/Washington process...


21st November 2024
This series of essays considers the transnational dynamics of authority and violence to explain how an armed conflict in one locality exists in a tran...


19th November 2024
For the foreseeable future, maritime trade through the Red Sea will remain a hostage to Ansar Allah and Iran. They will likely use this to secure conc...


30th October 2024
This XCEPT article investigates what drives individuals to join and remain loyal to armed groups amidst the chaos of the Syrian wars by focusing on th...


17th October 2024
In an interview, Kheder Khaddour and Armenak Tokmajyan discuss the country’s borders and why they have remained intact.


XCEPT Workshop: Local, People-Focused Policymaking

26th October 2022
Addressing securitization in conflict zones in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia

Research report

25th September 2024
This XCEPT research report examines why western support to northeastern Syria has been successful in enabling short-term stability but has struggled t...

Research report

10th September 2024
In Syria’s border regions, changes in demographics, economics, and security mean that an inter-Syrian peace process will require consensus among main ...


22nd July 2024
This XCEPT rapid literature review looks at how recent clashes on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border and related instability impact the military and powe...


22nd July 2024
This XCEPT rapid literature review focuses on how instability in the Afghanistan-Pakistan borderlands plays into existing tensions in Pakistan, notabl...


15th July 2024
Researchers working in borderland regions of Asia, the Middle East and Africa share their experiences and approaches to conducting fieldwork.

Research report

26th June 2024
Women who engage in cross-border trade in conflict play crucial social and economic roles in their families and communities: this paper examines how t...


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