Lebanon’s financial collapse and the Syrian conflict have allowed for the growth of an illicit economy, giving rise to a new breed of drug traffickers...
Migrant smuggling and trafficking has flourished through Libya since its 2011 conflict. This article explains how this happened and why European polic...
A pervasive conflict economy has developed in Libya since the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi. Migrant smuggling and human trafficking became a key vecto...
This paper examines how Iraq and Jordan are addressing the Captagon trade within their borders, outlines current gaps in the literature on Captagon, a...
This XCEPT rapid literature review looks at how recent clashes on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border and related instability impact the military and powe...
This XCEPT rapid literature review focuses on how instability in the Afghanistan-Pakistan borderlands plays into existing tensions in Pakistan, notabl...
Bashar al-Assad’s regime has used the drug partly as a means of ensuring that Syria is reintegrated into the Arab world, allowing its leadership to re...
In Libya’s northwestern city of Zawiya, where migrants make up a quarter of the population, those involved in human smuggling and trafficking present ...
This article assesses the reason for the high levels of irregular migration from Nigeria, arguing that the cause is socio-economic, reinforced by the ...
Chinese and Myanmar nationals have fallen prey to fake job postings in the Wa autonomous zone of northeastern Myanmar, where they are kept prisoner, b...
Poor infrastructure and even poorer governance is a critical part of the story of healthcare in Iraq, but so too is the complex issue of the movement ...
This XCEPT research report examines the intersection of armed actors, gold mining and migration in the tri-border area of Chad, Libya and Sudan. The...