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Middle East and North Africa



197 Articles found

Research report

16th July 2021
This XCEPT research report examines the intersection of armed actors, gold mining and migration in the tri-border area of Chad, Libya and Sudan. The...

Research report

1st July 2021
Since 2003, frequent outbreaks of violence in Iraq have led to a heavily militarised local police force. In the post-ISIL period, there have been rene...


23rd June 2021
Joint bulletin from the X-Border Local Research Network about recent research and activities from The Asia Foundation, Rift Valley Institute, and Malc...

Research report

14th June 2021
Border markets on Yemen’s northwestern border with Saudi Arabia gave rise to a distinct economic system and bridged communities. Yet the war in Yeme...


2nd June 2021
Idlib is heavily dependent on the delivery of aid, the disruption of which would almost surely create a humanitarian crisis.

Research report

27th May 2021
Tunisia’s informal trade networks reflect growing trends: the country’s progressive shift away from Europe, and the rise of Turkey and China as major ...

Research report

14th May 2021
This research addresses the reasons behind the failure of Basra’s local government in providing services to its citizens and analyses the impact of th...


30th April 2021
After six days stationary in the Suez Canal, the Ever Given was finally unstuck. While its name will soon become a piece of trivia about blocking one ...


26th April 2021
Jordan’s bahhara have suffered from a closed border with Syria, but efforts to resume informal trade ties continue.

Research report

23rd April 2021
This paper suggests that the upcoming elections in Iraq will not be game-changers, but merely support the extension of the current domination of polit...


19th April 2021
As border crossings reopen, Jordanian authorities might have to tolerate a degree of informal petty trade with Syria to revive Ramtha’s economy and pr...


14th April 2021
The new coronavirus is spreading into conflict-affected states. The pandemic and efforts to contain it are much more likely to aggravate and multiply ...

Research report

31st March 2021
Over time, the Kuwait-Saudi border has developed a unique, flexible approach of firm physical boundaries but open economic boundaries. This approach...

Research report

30th March 2021
The Iraqi-Syrian border continues to be geopolitically restless. Kurdish parties have taken advantage of central government weaknesses to increase t...


19th March 2021
Kuwait and Iraq have worked hard to rebuild bilateral ties. Resolving their maritime dispute as part of larger discussions could provide a model of di...


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