This rapid evidence synthesis provides evidence, guidance, and lessons on disaster relief and reconstruction in fragile and conflict-affected situatio...
Ongoing negotiations between Syria and Türkiye may change the outlines of their border regions. But they won’t alter the basic reality of cantonizatio...
The research explores conflict and instability in Chin State, Myanmar’s western border region with India, since the 2021 military coup. It examines sh...
Logging has surged amid the post-coup conflict, with sanctions pushing smugglers to open new routes to India, while activists and locals accuse both t...
Serbia leveraged migrating Tunisians to pressure the EU, until closing the route last November. Yet other countries will continue to use migrants to g...
As the conflict in Yemen continues, one lesser-known aspect—the maritime stakes for Saudi Arabia and the UAE—will need to be addressed for the best ch...
Thousands fled Myanmar after the coup to India’s northeastern border state, where the local authorities and communities have offered protection and he...
A Chinese state-owned company and the military regime are quietly pushing forward with a railway line that would run through active conflict zones, af...
In Sudan, the revolutionary upsurge of 2018/2019 signalled the implosion of the country’s postcolonial political order. This paper – part of a series ...
Seizing Myanmar’s borders with Bangladesh and India has become central to the Arakan Army’s dream of autonomy and has driven its strategy during times...
In recent days, Jordan has led the way in Arab countries’ rapprochement with Syria. But Amman’s experience shows that, without regional coordination,...
Morocco has successfully begun to connect its once-neglected eastern region to domestic and global economic resources. But it is vital to ensure that ...
This policy briefing note highlights principles for better embedding international and federal support for post-conflict social recovery within the lo...
This study examines the history of labour migration and labour relations in present-day South Sudan’s Bahr el-Ghazal borderlands with Darfur and Kordo...