South Sudan is one of the hungriest places on earth – this report explains how reliance on regional grain markets is shaping its international relatio...
The safe return of migrant workers from Thailand amid the pandemic has required an unprecedented degree of cooperation between the government and arme...
Along the Egypt-Sudan border, tensions have been rising for several decades despite limited efforts at cooperation. Both countries need to reexamine t...
The Syrian-Turkish border has also allowed Turkey to play a greater role in Syria, fulfilling Turkish regional ambitions while also generating economi...
Smuggling goods across the border between Algeria and Tunisia has created a parallel economy for marginalized border populations. Law enforcement and ...
Six years after the forced displacement of over a million Rohingya people from Myanmar, the day-to-day support required by Rohingya refugees and humanitarian actors in Bangladesh remains a challenge for the country’s government.
The impact on the khat trade in particular is a good illustration of the economy’s regional and international connections, and the effects of anti-COV...
As the coronavirus spread around the world from China in February, the Kayin State Border Guard Force smuggled into Myanmar thousands of Chinese worke...