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Leah de Haan

Chatham House


Transnational Conflict Dynamics and Policy Responses

Leah is Project Manager in the Director’s Office at Chatham House. She also leads the institute’s work on equality, diversity and inclusion and is a PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam, researching international policy on gender-based violence and in particular domestic violence.

At Chatham House, she previously managed the Common Futures Conversations project and led the 50:50 in 2020 initiative on gendered representation in the institute’s academic journal International Affairs. She has authored several journal articles, Chatham House explainers, magazine articles and book chapters on gender, sustainable development and youth engagement.

Leah was the Research Manager for XCEPT at Chatham House.

Leah de Haan’s XCEPT research

Research report

24th July 2024
This XCEPT research paper from Chatham House explores how the movement of people from Edo State fuels the Libyan conflict economy


31st March 2023
Find out more about the impact of supply chains and powerful conflict actors on people’s livelihoods in this Twitter Space recording.


31st March 2023
In this Twitter Space, join Senior Research Fellow, Tim Eaton and Project Manager, Leah de Haan for a deep dive into the interaction of conflict dynam...


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