Border settlements, whether they are trading gates and ports or the adjacent towns and cities that provide labor and local markets, are the conduits through which both formal and informal trade pass. At the same time, they are often the site of contestation between state administrations on either side of the border, and local communities and practices.  

Produced by the project’s Local Research Network, this report offers insight into some of the broader trends that drive conflicts in border areas. The six towns in this report—covering the borders of Afghanistan–Pakistan, Myanmar–Thailand, South Sudan–Ethiopia, South Sudan–Sudan, Syria–Turkey, and the Yemen–maritime border—illustrate the complexity of political economies in border areas affected by conflict and fragility. 

Online Event

Wednesday, 20 July 2022

9:00-10:00am London, 11:00-1200am Beirut, 3:00-4:00pm Bangkok


  • Introduction and overview:
    • Nathan Shea
  • Insights from the authors of the report:
    • Sarmada, Syria–Turkey: Armenak Tokmajyan
    • Northern Bahr el-Ghazal, South Sudan–Sudan: Joseph Diing Majok
    • Torkham, Afghanistan–Pakistan: Azeema Cheema
  • Q&A Session

The Cross-Border Conflict Evidence, Policy and Trends (XCEPT) research programme brings together world-leading experts to examine conflict-affected borderlands, how conflicts connect across borders, and the drivers of violent and peaceful behaviour. Funded by UK aid, XCEPT offers actionable research to inform policies and programmes that support peace.