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Nathan Shea

The Asia Foundation

Nathan Shea is Assistant Director of The Asia Foundation’s Conflict & Fragility unit. He has over ten years’ experience working on conflict, peacebuilding, violent extremism and development research and programming across South and Southeast Asia. He’s authored numerous book chapters, peer-reviewed journal articles and reports, including on the peace processes in Aceh, Indonesia and in Mindanao, the Philippines.  He holds a Master of International Relations from the University of Melbourne.

Nathan is Programme Manager of the X-Border Local Research Network.

Nathan Shea’s XCEPT research


28th March 2025
The XCEPT program team reflects on their journey, sharing insights and lessons from seven years of the Local Research Network.


1st September 2023
How does the global push for aid localisation apply to the research sector? In this podcast, The Asia Foundation, the Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle ...


4th October 2022
Over decades of conflict and instability, the border town of Torkham, one of the main crossing points between Afghanistan and Pakistan, has found a wa...

Research report

31st October 2019
This study describes the networks involved in the trade of high value goods and commodities across the Sulu archipelago.


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