Lead researcher(s):  Jesperson, S; Henriksen, R; Pravettoni, R; Nellemann, C.

Partner(s): Norwegian Center for Global Analyses (RHIPTO)

Duration: August 2020 – July 2021

Country: Chad, Libya, Sudan

The tri-border area spanning Chad, Libya, and Sudan sits on the periphery of the three countries geographically and politically. This research analysed factors affecting conflict dynamics in the region, including the role of strongmen and mercenaries, the mining and smuggling of gold, illicit revenues from other commodities, and the people smuggling networks that traverse the region. The project examined allegiances between different powerbrokers and how these shift as their power waxes and wanes, with constant competition and pressure motivating them to capitalise on illicit revenues to shore up patronage networks. Researchers also looked at the impact of broader political events within each country and internationally on conflict dynamics in the border region, and, in turn, how border activities shape national and global dynamics.

The research combined desk-based research and remotely-conducted qualitative engagements with local stakeholders and commentators, with satellite imagery, GIS mapping, and open-source investigation.

Explore some of the publications from the tri-border research project: