The Satellite Applications Catapult is an independent, innovation and technology research organisation. Our mission is ‘to innovate for a better world, empowered by satellites. We help organisations make use of, and benefit from, satellite technologies. We act as a neutral, trusted entry point to exploring applications of satellite technologies, creating sustainable partnerships focused on innovation and the integration of satellite applications. As a Neutral Trusted Entity (NTE) we work to facilitate access to innovation and technology with; government departments, development organisations, international humanitarian organisations, NGOs, industry, academia, and civil society.
The Satellite Applications Catapult is uniquely placed within the UK to leverage our neutral trusted status – with an academic and industry ecosystem of over 4,500 organisations, – providing the XCEPT programme with access to satellite derived; imagery, monitoring, analysis, modelling, and forecasting capabilities. Working alongside XCEPT researchers, the Satellite Applications Catapult will; gather requirements, advise on appropriate technologies and, where required, support the procurement, development, and implementation of required capabilities. Satellite Applications Catapult will provide a valuable and cost-effective additional perspective within the analysis of the cross-border conflict environment.