Kheder Khaddour
Carnegie Middle East Center
Carnegie Middle East Center
Kheder Khaddour is a nonresident scholar at the Carnegie Middle East Center. His research centers on civil military relations and local identities in the Levant, with a focus on Syria. Kheder’s most recent publications include “The Transformation of the Iraqi-Syrian Border: From a National to a Regional Frontier” (March 2020, Carnegie Middle East Center Paper, co-authored); “Localism, War, and the Fragmentation of Sunni Islam in Syria” (March 2019, Carnegie Middle East Center Paper); “Building from the wreckage: intermediaries in contemporary Syria,” in Local intermediaries in post-2011 Syria: transformation and continuity (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2019).
Kheder is a Research Lead for XCEPT at the Carnegie Middle East Center. He leads research by the X-Border Local Research Network on the Syrian borders.