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Ahmed Soliman

Chatham House


Transnational Conflict Dynamics and Policy Responses

Ahmed Soliman is a research fellow in the Africa Programme at Chatham House. His work focuses on the politics of Somalia, the Sudans, Ethiopia and Eritrea; producing policy-driven research that influences thinking on the Horn of Africa. He has produced briefings on the politics of the region and contributed to the media, including the BBC, Al Jazeera, the Economist, the Wall Street Journal, the Guardian and the Telegraph.

Ahmed is the Research Lead for the Sudanese borderlands case study on XCEPT.

Ahmed Soliman’s XCEPT research


15th October 2024
The contestation over gold – and its connection to transnational networks – is becoming a major driver of Ethiopia’s complex conflicts.


19th April 2023
The supply chain of a seemingly innocuous cash crop – sesame – has intersected with transnational conflict dynamics, exacerbating tensions between Eth...


1st December 2021
Ethiopia’s devastating civil war recently entered into its second year and, to achieve peace, both sides in the conflict need to accept some difficult...


12th November 2021
As an entrenched military elite tries to protect extensive economic and political interests despite no public support, parts of the old regime are rea...


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